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I chose three cards at random, not from each of my suits this time. I feel that whichever cards I pull, that it is meant to be. I asked my cards "what is in my near future" and I picked past, present and future cards. The three cards I selected where:

Committee - "A World Within" for past

Committee - "Meditation and Peace" for present

Committee - "Life's Journey" for future

These cards were amazingly accurate. How awesome that I chose them.

1) "A World Within" - This card told me that I have been holding myself back. I have been caught within myself, stuck, not breaking boundaries and locked within myself.

2) "Meditation and Peace" - This card told me that I have gained peace through meditation, a beautiful card.

3) "Life's Journey" - When I made this card, I thought the images portrayed a hectic, confusing feeling. But I find it compelling. I've chosen it in other readings and felt the same thing. It tells me I've had a long life, experienced many things and that at the moment the colors in the front are calming and peaceful to me. In the distance I see light, happy yellows and oranges. Even the reds don't feel daunting. This cards excites me and makes me feel good. I see a bright future.

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