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Your Creative Voice

It’s difficult to relate to people at gallery openings, or even in your own studio. I’m often shy about speaking to others about my art. I don’t want to come off as being uneducated or artistically naïve, which I suppose I am to some point. I hate being the center of attention. I don’t like talking about my art. That said, relating to people is what you need to do in social situations like gallery openings, open studios, exhibits and other such venues.

I suppose the best way to overcome being shy is to be prepared. Have an introductory script ready so that you can talk freely about your art. It really doesn’t take much, maybe just three minutes of talk. Practice at home or in your studio with a preplanned and written speech. Write about what you were going for when you made your art. What materials did you use? How long did it take to make it? How long have you been an artist? Also, think about what questions you may be asked. Jot down the answers to these perceived questions. I always seem to get asked how long it took me to complete a certain piece of art. And of course this is a difficult question because it may have taken a week, or it may have taken two years. I may have put it away for awhile because I was stuck on it, taken it out a few times to look at it, then put it back.

Stay on subject.

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